Thursday, April 21, 2011


hey guys so here is a link to a playlist of my youtube animations umm i recently started using windows movie maker i had been using a time lapse recorder so now i have a good setup and personnly i think they are coming out looking soooo much better :D

hey guys

HELLO!!!! Well ifu havnt heard about Weird Al Yankovics Gaga Saga i sugest u to to and read up on the gaga saga basically Al had written a parody of Born This Way and turned it to "Perform This Way"  so if u havnt been able to read up on that do it

and if u havnt subscribed to me on YouTube then u wont know that i just made a brand new animation check it out the link is here!

also if u have any questions for me to answer in youtube format i will gladly answer them and i like to do dares so gimme some daresand i might do 'em

peace out!
